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Bible Studies Index
|| 1-5 || 6-10 || 11-15 || 16 || 17 || 18 || 19 || 20 || 21-25 || 26-29 || 30-33 || 34-36 || 37-40 ||
- Exodus 16:1 And they journey from Elim, and all the company of the sons of Israel come in unto the wilderness of Sin, which [is] between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month of their going out from the land of Egypt.
- 16:2 And all the company of the sons of Israel murmur against Moses and against Aaron in the wilderness;
- 16:3 and the sons of Israel say unto them, 'Oh that we had died by the hand of YHWH in the land of Egypt, in our sitting by the flesh-pot, in our eating bread to satiety -- for ye have brought us out unto this wilderness to put all this assembly to death with hunger.'
- 16:4 And YHWH saith unto Moses, 'Lo, I am raining to you bread from the heavens -- and the people have gone out and gathered the matter of a day in its day -- so that I try them whether they walk in My law, or not;
- 16:5 and it hath been on the sixth day, that they have prepared that which they bring in, and it hath been double above that which they gather day [by] day.'
- 16:6 And Moses saith -- Aaron also -- unto all the sons of Israel, 'Evening -- and ye have known that YHWH hath brought you out from the land of Egypt;
- 16:7 and morning -- and ye have seen the honour of YHWH, in His hearing your murmurings against YHWH, and what [are] we, that ye murmur against us?'
- 16:8 And Moses saith, 'In YHWH's giving to you in the evening flesh to eat, and bread in the morning to satiety -- in YHWH's hearing your murmurings, which ye are murmuring against Him, and what [are] we? your murmurings [are] not against us, but against YHWH.'
- 16:9 And Moses saith unto Aaron, 'Say unto all the company of the sons of Israel, Come ye near before YHWH, for He hath heard your murmurings;'
- Exodus 16:10 and it cometh to pass, when Aaron is speaking unto all the company of the sons of Israel, that they turn towards the wilderness, and lo, the honour of YHWH is seen in the cloud.
- 16:11 And YHWH speaketh unto Moses, saying,
- 16:12 'I have heard the murmurings of the sons of Israel; speak unto them, saying, Between the evenings ye eat flesh, and in the morning ye are satisfied [with] bread, and ye have known that I [am] YHWH your God.'
- 16:13 And it cometh to pass in the evening, that the quail cometh up, and covereth the camp, and in the morning there hath been the lying of dew round about the camp,
- 16:14 and the lying of the dew goeth up, and lo, on the face of the wilderness a thin, bare thing, thin as hoar-frost on the earth.
- 16:15 And the sons of Israel see, and say one unto another, 'What [is] it?' for they have not known what it [is]; and Moses saith unto them, 'It [is] the bread which YHWH hath given to you for food.
- 16:16 'This [is] the thing which YHWH hath commanded: Gather of it each according to his eating, an omer for a poll; and the number of your persons, take ye each for those in his tent.'
- 16:17 And the sons of Israel do so, and they gather, he who is [gathering] much, and he who is [gathering] little;
- 16:18 and they measure with an omer, and he who is [gathering] much hath nothing over, and he who is [gathering] little hath no lack, each according to his eating they have gathered.
- 16:19 And Moses saith unto them, 'Let no man leave of it till morning;'
- Exodus 16:20 and they have not hearkened unto Moses, and some of them do leave of it till morning, and it bringeth up worms and stinketh; and Moses is wroth with them.
- 16:21 And they gather it morning by morning, each according to his eating; when the sun hath been warm, then it hath melted.
- 16:22 And it cometh to pass on the sixth day, they have gathered a second bread, two omers for one, and all the princes of the company come in, and declare to Moses.
- 16:23 And he saith unto them, 'It [is] that which YHWH hath spoken [of]; a rest -- a holy sabbath to YHWH -- [is] to-morrow; that which ye bake, bake; and that which ye boil, boil; and all that is over, let rest for yourselves in charge till the morning.'
- 16:24 And they let it rest until the morning, as Moses hath commanded, and it hath not stank, and a worm hath not been in it.
- 16:25 And Moses saith, 'Eat it to-day, for to-day [is] a sabbath to YHWH; to-day ye find it not in the field:
- 16:26 six days ye do gather it, and in the seventh day -- the sabbath -- in it there is none.'
- 16:27 And it cometh to pass on the seventh day, some of the people have gone out to gather, and have not found.
- 16:28 And YHWH saith unto Moses, 'How long have ye refused to keep My commands, and My laws?
- 16:29 see, because YHWH hath given to you the sabbath, therefore He is giving to you on the sixth day bread of two days; abide ye each [in] his place, no one doth go out from his place on the seventh day.'
- Exodus 16:30 And the people rest on the seventh day,
- 16:31 and the house of Israel call its name Manna, and it [is] as coriander seed, white; and its taste [is] as a cake with honey.
- 16:32 And Moses saith, 'This [is] the thing which YHWH hath commanded: Fill the omer with it, for a charge for your generations, so that they see the bread which I have caused you to eat in the wilderness, in My bringing you out from the land of Egypt.'
- 16:33 And Moses saith unto Aaron, 'Take one pot, and put there the fulness of the omer of manna, and let it rest before YHWH, for a charge for your generations;'
- 16:34 as YHWH hath given commandment unto Moses, so doth Aaron let it rest before the Testimony, for a charge.
- 16:35 And the sons of Israel have eaten the manna forty years, until their coming in unto the land to be inhabited; the manna they have eaten till their coming in unto the extremity of the land of Canaan.
- 16:36 and the omer is a tenth of the ephah.
|| 16 || Young's Literal OT Index || 18 ||
- Exodus 17:1 And all the company of the sons of Israel journey from the wilderness of Sin, on their journeyings, by the command of YHWH, and encamp in Rephidim, and there is no water for the people to drink;
- 17:2 and the people strive with Moses, and say, 'Give us water, and we drink.' And Moses saith to them, 'What? -- ye strive with me, what? -- ye try YHWH?'
- 17:3 and the people thirst there for water, and the people murmur against Moses, and say, 'Why [is] this? -- thou hast brought us up out of Egypt, to put us to death, also our sons and our cattle, with thirst.'
- 17:4 And Moses crieth to YHWH, saying, 'What do I to this people? yet a little, and they have stoned me.'
- 17:5 And YHWH saith unto Moses, 'Pass over before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel, and thy rod with which thou hast smitten the River take in thy hand, and thou hast gone:
- 17:6 Lo, I am standing before thee there on the rock in Horeb, and thou hast smitten on the rock, and waters have come out from it, and the people have drunk.' And Moses doth so before the eyes of the elders of Israel,
- 17:7 and he calleth the name of the place Massah, and Meribah, because of the 'strife' of the sons of Israel, and because of their 'trying' YHWH, saying, 'Is YHWH in our midst or not?'
- 17:8 And Amalek cometh, and fighteth with Israel in Rephidim,
- 17:9 and Moses saith unto Joshua, 'Choose for us men, and go out, fight with Amalek: to-morrow I am standing on the top of the hill, and the rod of God in my hand.'
- Exodus 17:10 And Joshua doth as Moses hath said to him, to fight with Amalek, and Moses, Aaron, and Hur, have gone up [to] the top of the height;
- 17:11 and it hath come to pass, when Moses lifteth up his hand, that Israel hath been mighty, and when he letteth his hands rest, that Amalek hath been mighty.
- 17:12 And the hands of Moses [are] heavy, and they take a stone, and set [it] under him, and he sitteth on it: and Aaron and Hur have taken hold on his hands, on this side one, and on that one, and his hands are stedfast till the going in of the sun;
- 17:13 and Joshua weakeneth Amalek and his people by the mouth of the sword.
- 17:14 And YHWH saith unto Moses, 'Write this, a memorial in a Book, and set [it] in the ears of Joshua, that I do utterly wipe away the remembrance of Amalek from under the heavens;'
- 17:15 and Moses buildeth an altar, and calleth its name YHWH-Nissi,
- 17:16 and saith, 'Because a hand [is] on the throne of Jah, war [is] to YHWH with Amalek from generation -- generation.'
|| 17 || Young's Literal OT Index || 19 ||
- Exodus 18:1 And Jethro priest of Midian, father-in-law of Moses, heareth all that God hath done for Moses, and for Israel his people, that YHWH hath brought out Israel from Egypt,
- 18:2 and Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, taketh Zipporah, wife of Moses, besides her parents,
- 18:3 and her two sons, of whom the name of the one [is] Gershom, for he said, 'a sojourner I have been in a strange land:'
- 18:4 and the name of the other [is] Eliezer, for, 'the God of my father [is] for my help, and doth deliver me from the sword of Pharaoh.'
- 18:5 And Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, cometh, and his sons, and his wife, unto Moses, unto the wilderness where he is encamping -- the mount of God;
- 18:6 and he saith unto Moses, 'I, thy father-in-law, Jethro, am coming unto thee, and thy wife, and her two sons with her.'
- 18:7 And Moses goeth out to meet his father-in-law, and boweth himself, and kisseth him, and they ask one at another of welfare, and come into the tent;
- 18:8 and Moses recounteth to his father-in-law all that YHWH hath done to Pharaoh, and to the Egyptians, on account of Israel, all the travail which hath found them in the way, and YHWH doth deliver them.
- 18:9 And Jethro rejoiceth for all the good which YHWH hath done to Israel, whom He hath delivered from the hand of the Egyptians;
- Exodus 18:10 and Jethro saith, 'Blessed [is] YHWH, who hath delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians, and from the hand of Pharaoh -- who hath delivered this people from under the hand of the Egyptians;
- 18:11 now I have known that YHWH [is] greater than all the gods, for in the thing they have acted proudly -- [He is] above them!'
- 18:12 And Jethro, father-in-law of Moses, taketh a burnt-offering and sacrifices for God; and Aaron cometh in, and all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with the father-in-law of Moses, before God.
- 18:13 And it cometh to pass on the morrow, that Moses sitteth to judge the people, and the people stand before Moses, from the morning unto the evening;
- 18:14 and the father-in-law of Moses seeth all that he is doing to the people, and saith, 'What [is] this thing which thou art doing to the people? wherefore art thou sitting by thyself, and all the people standing by thee from morning till evening?'
- 18:15 And Moses saith to his father-in-law, 'Because the people come unto me to seek God;
- 18:16 when they have a matter, it hath come unto me, and I have judged between a man and his neighbour, and made known the statutes of God, and His laws.'
- 18:17 And the father-in-law of Moses saith unto him, 'The thing which thou art doing [is] not good;
- 18:18 thou dost surely wear away, both thou, and this people which [is] with thee, for the thing is too heavy for thee, thou art not able to do it by thyself.
- 18:19 'Now, hearken to my voice, I counsel thee, and God is with thee: be thou for the people over-against God, and thou hast brought in the things unto God;
- Exodus 18:20 and thou hast warned them [concerning] the statutes and the laws, and hast made known to them the way in which they go, and the work which they do.
- 18:21 'And thou -- thou dost provide out of all the people men of ability, fearing God, men of truth, hating dishonest gain, and hast placed [these] over them, heads of thousands, heads of hundreds, heads of fifties, and heads of tens,
- 18:22 and they have judged the people at all times; and it hath come to pass, every great matter they bring in unto thee, and every small matter they judge themselves; and lighten it from off thyself, and they have borne with thee.
- 18:23 If thou dost this thing, and God hath commanded thee, then thou hast been able to stand, and all this people also goeth in unto its place in peace.'
- 18:24 And Moses hearkeneth to the voice of his father-in-law, and doth all that he said,
- 18:25 and Moses chooseth men of ability out of all Israel, and maketh them chiefs over the people, heads of thousands, heads of hundreds, heads of fifties, and heads of tens,
- 18:26 and they have judged the people at all times; the hard matter they bring in unto Moses, and every small matter they judge themselves.
- 18:27 And Moses sendeth his father-in-law away, and he goeth away unto his own land.
|| 18 || Young's Literal OT Index || 20 ||
- Exodus 19:1 In the third month of the going out of the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt, in this day they have come into the wilderness of Sinai,
- 19:2 and they journey from Rephidim, and enter the wilderness of Sinai, and encamp in the wilderness; and Israel encampeth there before the mount.
- 19:3 And Moses hath gone up unto God, and YHWH calleth unto him out of the mount, saying, 'Thus dost thou say to the house of Jacob, and declare to the sons of Israel,
- 19:4 Ye -- ye have seen that which I have done to the Egyptians, and I bear you on eagles' wings, and bring you in unto Myself.
- 19:5 'And now, if ye really hearken to My voice, then ye have kept My covenant, and been to Me a peculiar treasure more than all the peoples, for all the earth [is] Mine;
- 19:6 and ye -- ye are to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation: these [are] the words which thou dost speak unto the sons of Israel.'
- 19:7 And Moses cometh, and calleth for the elders of the people, and setteth before them all these words which YHWH hath commanded him;
- 19:8 and all the people answer together and say, 'All that YHWH hath spoken we do;' and Moses returneth the words of the people unto YHWH.
- 19:9 And YHWH saith unto Moses, 'Lo, I am coming unto thee in the thickness of the cloud, so that the people hear in My speaking with thee, and also believe in thee to the age;' and Moses declareth the words of the people unto YHWH.
- Exodus 19:10 And YHWH saith unto Moses, 'Go unto the people; and thou hast sanctified them to-day and to-morrow, and they have washed their garments,
- 19:11 and have been prepared for the third day; for on the third day doth YHWH come down before the eyes of all the people, on mount Sinai.
- 19:12 'And thou hast made a border [for] the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, going up into the mount, or coming against its extremity; whoever is coming against the mount is certainly put to death;
- 19:13 a hand cometh not against him, for he is certainly stoned or shot through, whether beast or man it liveth not; in the drawing out of the jubilee cornet they go up into the mount.'
- 19:14 And Moses cometh down from the mount unto the people, and sanctifieth the people, and they wash their garments;
- 19:15 and he saith unto the people, 'Be ye prepared for the third day, come not nigh unto a woman.'
- 19:16 And it cometh to pass, on the third day, while it is morning, that there are voices, and lightnings, and a heavy cloud, on the mount, and the sound of a trumpet very strong; and all the people who [are] in the camp do tremble.
- 19:17 And Moses bringeth out the people to meet God from the camp, and they station themselves at the lower part of the mount,
- 19:18 and mount Sinai [is] wholly a smoke from the presence of YHWH, who hath come down on it in fire, and its smoke goeth up as smoke of the furnace, and the whole mount trembleth exceedingly;
- 19:19 and the sound of the trumpet is going on, and very strong; Moses speaketh, and God doth answer him with a voice.
- Exodus 19:20 And YHWH cometh down on mount Sinai, unto the top of the mount, and YHWH calleth for Moses unto the top of the mount, and Moses goeth up.
- 19:21 And YHWH saith unto Moses, 'Go down, protest to the people, lest they break through unto YHWH to see, and many of them have fallen;
- 19:22 and also the priests who are coming nigh unto YHWH do sanctify themselves, lest YHWH break forth on them.'
- 19:23 And Moses saith unto YHWH, 'The people [is] unable to come up unto mount Sinai, for Thou -- Thou hast protested to us, saying, Make a border [for] the mount, then thou hast sanctified it.'
- 19:24 And YHWH saith unto him, 'Go, descend, then thou hast come up, thou, and Aaron with thee; and the priests and the people do not break through, to come up unto YHWH, lest He break forth upon them.'
- 19:25 And Moses goeth down unto the people, and saith unto them: --
|| 19 || Young's Literal OT Index || 21-25 ||
- Exodus 20:1 'And God speaketh all these words, saying,
- 20:2 I [am] YHWH thy God, who hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of a house of servants.
- 20:3 'Thou hast no other Gods before Me.
- 20:4 'Thou dost not make to thyself a graven image, or any likeness which [is] in the heavens above, or which [is] in the earth beneath, or which [is] in the waters under the earth.
- 20:5 Thou dost not bow thyself to them, nor serve them: for I, YHWH thy God, [am] a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on sons, on the third [generation], and on the fourth, of those hating Me,
- 20:6 and doing kindness to thousands, of those loving Me and keeping My commands.
- 20:7 'Thou dost not take up the name of YHWH thy God for a vain thing, for YHWH acquitteth not him who taketh up His name for a vain thing.
- 20:8 'Remember the Sabbath-day to sanctify it;
- 20:9 six days thou dost labour, and hast done all thy work,
- Exodus 20:10 and the seventh day [is] a Sabbath to YHWH thy God; thou dost not do any work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and thy cattle, and thy sojourner who is within thy gates, --
- 20:11 for six days hath YHWH made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that [is] in them, and resteth in the seventh day; therefore hath YHWH blessed the Sabbath-day, and doth sanctify it.
- 20:12 'Honour thy father and thy mother, so that thy days are prolonged on the ground which YHWH thy God is giving to thee.
- 20:13 'Thou dost not murder.
- 20:14 'Thou dost not commit adultery.
- 20:15 'Thou dost not steal.
- 20:16 'Thou dost not answer against thy neighbour a false testimony.
- 20:17 'Thou dost not desire the house of thy neighbour, thou dost not desire the wife of thy neighbour, or his man-servant, or his handmaid, or his ox, or his ass, or anything which [is] thy neighbour's.'
- 20:18 And all the people are seeing the voices, and the flames, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mount smoking; and the people see, and move, and stand afar off,
- 20:19 and say unto Moses, 'Speak thou with us, and we hear, and let not God speak with us, lest we die.'
- Exodus 20:20 And Moses saith unto the people, 'Fear not, for to try you hath God come, and in order that His fear may be before your faces -- that ye sin not.'
- 20:21 And the people stand afar off, and Moses hath drawn nigh unto the thick darkness where God [is].
- 20:22 And YHWH saith unto Moses, 'Thus dost thou say unto the sons of Israel: Ye -- ye have seen that from the heavens I have spoken with you;
- 20:23 ye do not make with Me gods of silver, even gods of gold ye do not make to yourselves.
- 20:24 'An altar of earth thou dost make for Me, and thou hast sacrificed on it thy burnt-offerings and thy peace-offerings, thy flock and thy herd; in every place where I cause My name to be remembered I come in unto thee, and have blessed thee.
- 20:25 'And if an altar of stones thou dost make to Me, thou dost not build them of hewn work; when thy tool thou hast waved over it, then thou dost pollute it;
- 20:26 neither dost thou go up by steps on Mine altar, that thy nakedness be not revealed upon it.
|| 20 || Young's Literal OT Index || 21-25 ||
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