

Logos Apostolic Greek interlinear abbreviations for Greek comparative adjectives.

Interlinear New Testament Index

A POSITIVE ADJECTIVE is a word that gives extra information about a noun or a pronoun and it must match the noun or pronoun in case, gender, and number. For example: tall, short, big, small, strong, and weak, are all adjectives.
A COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVE refers to MORE of the quality or quantity of the adjective, and it must also match the noun or pronoun in case, gender, and number. For example: taller, shorter, bigger, smaller, stronger, and weaker, are all comparative adjectives.


N = noun, Adj = Adjective, CAdj = Comparative adjective. The order is case, gender, number.

CASE - N = Nominative, A = Accusative, G = Genitive, D = Dative.
GENDER - M = Masculine. F = Feminine, N = Neuter.
NUMBER - S = Singular, P = Plural.


CAdj-NMS = Comparative Adjective - Nominative Masculine Singular
CAdj-GFS = Comparative Adjective - Genitive Feminine Singular
CAdj-ANP = Comparative Adjective - Accusative Neuter Plural


For most adjectives, the comparative adjective is marked by adding -τερος -α -ον) to the masculine stem of the positive adjective. Here are some examples:
Adjective ἀναγκαῖος -α -ον = necessary (masculine stem: ἀναγκαιό-). Comparative adjective: ἀναγκαιότερος -α -ον = more necessary.
Adjective βαρύς -εῖα -ύ = heavy (masculine stem: βαρυ-). Comparative adjective: βαρύτερος -α -ον = heavier.
Adjective σοφός -ή -όν = wise (masculine stem: σοφο-). Comparative adjective: σοφώτερος -α -ον = wiser.

Interlinear New Testament Index

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